ICT Distribution

Top 7 Best Cloud Storage For Your Business in 2022

Top 7 Best Cloud Storage For Your Business in 2022

Virtually every form of a creative firm, regardless of size, requires the best cloud storage for Business. Even if you only have a few employees – or even if it’s just you – it is essential to keep your files and documents secure. Too many companies have lost in progress or completed work due to a lack of cloud backup.

Many creatives are accustomed to clients asking for copies of work months after delivery due to lost original files. While you are not required to maintain them, it would be appreciated if you could supply them. If you work for a larger organization, the best cloud storage for Business that fulfills your requirements will also make it easier for you and your coworkers to work remotely on different devices.

There are various cloud storage providers, and many of them provide packages to professional clients that are competitive. It isn’t easy to know where to begin or how to compare the possibilities, so we’ve created this guide to assist you in determining which cloud storage for business is ideal for you. Some of the names may be familiar, while others may not, but they all provide excellent cloud storage solutions for businesses. Your business’s top 7 cloud storage choices in 2022:

7 Best Cloud Storage For Your Business

Image From iStock

1. IDrive

The well-known cloud storage service iDrive offers many options, making it the clear winner for the best cloud storage for businesses. With real-time syncing, multiple device backups, support for older file versions, and deletion retention of 30 days, it is one of the most secure cloud storage services.

iDrive supports mapped network devices, can save disk images in their whole, and maintains computers via a web-based console, making it suitable for managing an extensive network with various files and folders. The service offers activity reports, end-to-end encryption, and two-factor authentication for enhanced protection. There are apps available for iOS and Android, and help is available 24 hours a day, seven days a week.

Completing the impressive list of capabilities are bare-metal disaster recovery and enhanced data stamp requirements for handling sensitive data. If you genuinely care about security, you can mail physical drives to iDrive.House them in structures with clever cooling zones and earthquake-resistant racks.

Large enterprises can contact iDrive directly for bespoke solutions, and iDrive’s pricing tiers are inexpensive and offer sufficient storage capacity. It is a terrific solution for organizations of any size, and Creative Bloq readers can save 95% on a 10TB plan for one year — a fantastic price for creative enterprises.

2. pCloud

pCloud is a fantastic storage solution with numerous business-specific features. You can synchronize and manage your files across all of your desktop and mobile devices in real-time. Additionally, it supports infinite file sizes, unlike iDrive.

pCloud enables you to assign varying access levels to different team members and adds commenting features to enhance the discussion. Specialized modules enhance security, the search function is surprisingly sophisticated, and the whole system expands well despite the addition of many users. Additionally, you can add your logo.

Secure everything you upload to pCloud with 256-bit AES, and require two-factor authentication. Store your files in at least three distinct physical locations, and pCloud saves thirty-day backups of deleted and modified files. Regarding data storage, we prefer to hear terms like “redundancies upon redundancies.”

pCloud also works effectively with other services and can back up Dropbox, OneDrive, and Google Drive files automatically. There are options for annual and monthly memberships and lifetime payment plans on various tiers, allowing you to pay once and never worry about storage again. It is a fantastic product overall!

3. Backblaze

Backblaze is unlike the majority of cloud storage providers. Unlike what is effectively an online clone of your hard disk, it provides a genuine backup solution. There are no file synchronization, file-sharing systems, team collaboration, or other features available. On the other hand, Backblaze continuously monitors your files and uploads them to the cloud-based backup server, guaranteeing you have a backup at all times.

Until your hard drive crashes catastrophically, you can recover all of your crucial business data. It offers a limitless capacity for storage with no limits and no required user participation. End-to-end encryption is accessible and performs backups rapidly.

Backblaze costs $6 per month or $60 per year for a single device, with no option to add more; hence, subsequent users must pay for their memberships. Extend it for as little as $2 per month. The default option only stores prior versions of your files for 30 days. In addition, there is an ongoing promotion for a cheap ExpressVPN and a free year of Backblaze. Backblaze is compatible with both Mac OS X and Windows.

4. Microsoft One Drive

Microsoft OneDrive is one of the most user-friendly cloud storage services, and it is a natural fit for organizations that use Office 365, Outlook, and other Microsoft products. OneDrive is pre-installed in Windows 10 and is compatible with these programs.

OneDrive offers automatic uploads, configurable backup configurations, iOS and Android apps, uncompressed photo and video uploads, and fundamental photo editing features. In addition, there is real-time synchronization, thirty days of file restoration, a personal vault for essential data, and intelligent ransomware detection.

OneDrive for Business interacts flawlessly with Teams and SharePoint, and it is packed with collaboration tools such as real-time editing and file sharing. Administrators are granted access to synchronized reports, management tools, and heightened security. Other commercial cloud storage solutions offer a more significant number of functions, but OneDrive’s integration with Microsoft services and performance are unmatched. If your organization already utilizes Microsoft software, this may be your best alternative.

5. Google Workspace

Google Workspace is the new moniker for Google’s G Suite of products, including the cloud storage service Google Drive. In addition to Google Drive, you also receive Gmail, Meet, Keep, Calendar, Chat, and the full suite of office applications. It makes it an ideal solution if your Business relies significantly on Google goods or if you desire a toolbox that does not require cutting-edge technology.

Like the rest of Workspace, Drive covers an extensive array of business operations. In addition to desktop programs for Windows and macOS, real-time syncing, encryption, file versioning, and document scanning, there are numerous collaboration and management solutions. Among the security features are two-factor authentication, group-based policy controls, and encryption, with enterprise plans enhancing the latter.

Google’s entry-level plans cost a few dollars/pounds a month per user and include up to 30GB of storage space. Still, the company’s other plans remain affordable while boosting functionality, users, and storage space. When paired with Google’s other services, Google Workspace and Google Drive are valuable tools that may provide your staff with a comprehensive, feature-rich working environment – not simply online storage.

6. Livedrive

Livedrive is the way to go if you and your staff require a simple solution for folks who are not computer literate. The user interface is intuitive and complete with valuable functions. Support all of your desktop and mobile devices with automated backup, real-time syncing, two-factor authentication, and 256-bit encryption.

Livedrive’s functionality consists of two parts: Briefcase and Backup. Briefcase provides cloud storage, while Backup safeguards your data in a disaster. Utilizing mobile editing, team folders, backups, and bank-level security, you can protect UK data centers and sensitive information.

Livedrive includes safe file sharing, iOS, Apple, and Windows Mobile devices apps, and free trials across all pricing tiers. You can also add your logo to the app’s web interface on the more expensive versions.

Livedrive’s collaboration and sharing tools are intuitive and easy to use, even for computer novices.

7. Zoolz

Zoolz is based on the Amazon Web Services eco-system and provides exceptional performance, security, and legal compliance. The platform’s support is exceptional, and the user interface is easy and uncomplicated. All plans include an unrestricted amount of users, server backups, and external drive connections.

The 256-bit AES end-to-end encryption utilized by Zoolz provides several superior security advantages. The platform adheres to all regulatory requirements, such as HIPAA and GDPR. Also available is live support. If you have any issues, we are available around the clock, seven days a week. The hybrid storage solution will save a copy of your files on the local server and in cold storage and schedule backups at any time. Zoolz includes image recognition and intelligent filtering algorithms to assist with image organization.

All commercial Zoolz plans include external hard drives, users, and servers. Monthly 1TB storage starts at $19.99. There is also a 14-day free trial with 50GB of fully functioning storage.


The cloud storage landscape has altered drastically compared to a few years ago in recent years. Now, the market is saturated with a multitude of options that provide a wide variety of services to fulfill the demands of businesses. You are not compelled to rely solely on a single cloud storage provider.

Professionals in ICT Distribution can assist you in choosing the optimal cloud storage solution for your organization.