ICT Distribution – Myanmar

7 Impoertant Signs That You’re in Need of a Cybersecurity Assessment

Should you consider a cybersecurity assessment? Many organizations believe they are impervious to cyberattacks and data breaches. History has shown that even the most secure attacked businesses. Business owners frequently believe they provide little value to cybercriminals.

Everyone should put cybersecurity first and foremost. Have you ever thought to yourself after receiving bad news, “That won’t happen to me”? Do not rely on empty promises. Consider the seven factors stated below when deciding whether or not to do an annual cyber security risk assessment.

What is a Cyber Security Risk Assessment?

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An evaluation of cyber security risk entails identifying, assessing, and evaluating risk. Assuring that the cyber security solutions you select are appropriate for your company’s threats could be beneficial.

You risk wasting time, effort, and resources if you do not use risk assessments to drive your cyber security decisions. Implementing safeguards against occurrences that are unlikely to occur or will not impact your organization is ineffective.

You may also undervalue or ignore hazards that could cause serious injury. It is why risk assessments are required by so many best-practice frameworks, recommendations, and regulations, such as the GDPR (General Data Protection Regulation).

How Do You Do a Risk Assessment for Cyber Security?

A cyber security risk assessment determines the information assets that may be compromised by a cyber assault (such as hardware, systems, laptops, customer data, and intellectual property). These assets’ potential dangers are then identified. Controls are often chosen to address the identified dangers following a risk assessment and evaluation.

Continuous monitoring and assessing the risk environment are critical for spotting changes in the company’s context and tracking the entire risk management process.

What’s in a Cyber-Risk Assessment?

In a typical risk assessment, the information assets that could be affected by a cyberattack are identified first, followed by the threats that could harm those assets.

Before identifying the controls needed to address the identified risks, a risk calculation and appraisal are typically undertaken. Continuous monitoring and assessing the risk environment are critical for spotting changes in the company’s context and tracking the entire risk management process.

Who Is the Service for Cyber Risk Assessment For?

If their IT architecture combines complex legacy systems with less compatible contemporary operating systems, small, medium, and large businesses can all benefit from risk assessment consulting services.

Personal data transit across platforms requires additional monitoring and protection, which helps public-sector enterprises that supply services to multiple user groups via several channels.

7 Important Signs

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1. You Suspect Something’s Wrong

Your spider senses are getting tingly. Or you may have noticed anything unusual that makes you doubt your cybersecurity. It could be:

  • Detecting unusual network files
  • Your computers are behaving strangely.
  • Competitors obtaining previously restricted business information

2. Standards for Regulatory Compliance

Your company must likely follow legal standards. For example, various standards govern cyber exposure assessment in the banking, healthcare, energy, and education sectors. Compliance begins with a thorough assessment of cyber risk. Based on your examination results, Cybriant can also provide compliance-related advice.

3. Your Staff Lacks IT Expertise

Internal threats continue to be one of the most serious cybersecurity threats. Investing in security to defend your “virtual home” is pointless if no one opens the door when someone knocks.

Most employees are not purposefully dishonest. They have bad habits. Some people use passcodes like “1234” or “password” to secure their accounts, while others assume a Nigerian prince wants to transfer millions of dollars.

Business communication scams can affect anyone, including those who have received security training. When busy people get an invoice that looks exactly like one from a supplier but contains the banking information of a criminal, they may not notice.

4. Furious Former Workers

You may not have a formal policy in place for managing terminated employees’ access to technology, depending on the size and volume of your company. Do unhappy employees leave their jobs? Have you fired any employees? Because not every employee leaves on good terms, change all former employees’ passwords.

Giving former employees access to your cloud-based platform is akin to waiting on the sick-patient side of the doctor’s office and becoming infected.

5. Old Technology

Everyone was present. Rather than investing money and time in new equipment, we strive to do more with what we already have. However, in the case of technology, the adage “if it ain’t broke, don’t change it” does not apply.

Obsolete software and operating systems are more likely to put you at risk online. The software provider discontinues support after a particular amount of time. Microsoft, for example, is gradually discontinuing Windows 7 security upgrades and fixes.

Continue to employ outmoded technology and assume you’re safe because you haven’t had a failure or crash. You are unaware of more minor, unnoticed flaws, but cybercriminals are aware of representing more significant risk.

6. There Are No Data Control Regulations

The number of technological management access points is growing. There could be USB drives with sensitive data lying around your office. Laptop computers used for business purposes may go missing or be stolen. Remote workers can use insecure WiFi networks and inadequate portable device encryption.

It is challenging to identify flaws if you do not have procedures to control data throughout the entire organizational environment.

7. Your Staff Members Utilize Personal Devices

Employee satisfaction is increased in a Bring Your Device (BYOD) environment. Cybercriminals enjoy themselves as well. Yes, this strategy can help you save money. Your firm is no longer required to ensure that all employees have access to cutting-edge technology. However, there are several disadvantages:

  • Employee devices that are not up to date may be more vulnerable to hacking.
  • Employees may install malware on their devices, allowing hackers to access your networks.
  • Users may be unaware that malware on their connected devices could harm your systems.
  • The employee was not the only one with access to company information through the phone.
  • Disgruntled employees may cause damage to your network by utilizing their equipment.

Options for Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

Cybriant provides the following evaluations:

Risk Assessment 

When establishing the requirements or success of your security program, our Cyber Risk Assessment is a vital first step. To determine the current state of the client’s security program, our risk professionals conduct interviews, evaluate paperwork, and do physical walkthroughs by NIST criteria.

Gap Analysis 

Our gap analysis is critical when you need to detect any conflicts between your security program and a given rule or framework. Our experts will assess the minimum changes required for your company to comply with the applicable regulation.

Testing for Penetration

Our penetration tests are essential for firms with a regulatory duty, a system-specific concern, or who are in the monitoring phase of a comprehensive security program. A skilled hacker uses Cybriant’s Pen Test to attempt to exploit a technological defect to gain unauthorized access to specific systems.

Mobile Risk Assessments 

Mobile devices create a particularly difficult environment for security professionals and enterprises alike. Cyprian’s Mobile Security Assessment considers all potential sources of threat and offers solutions to these problems.

The Value of Cybersecurity Risk Assessment

It is essential for any company that relies on computer networks and systems. A cyber risk assessment, by detecting vulnerabilities and threats, can assist a firm in taking proactive steps to lower the likelihood of a successful cyberattack.

A cyber risk assessment can also provide vital information about the potential consequences of an attack, allowing businesses to prepare for and respond to online disasters.

Even though doing a cyber security risk assessment can be difficult and time-consuming, the benefits far outweigh the disadvantages. A cybersecurity assessment services may ensure that essential data and systems are safeguarded from cyber threats by taking the time to understand the risks posed by a company.


If your company exhibits any of these seven symptoms, it’s time to conduct a security audit. Do not wait until you have been a victim of a cyberattack to take action. Be proactive and take safeguards to ensure your company’s safety. A cybersecurity evaluation is required to address the discovered security weaknesses.

It will safeguard the company’s data and assets while aiding its defense against future threats. Due to the complexity of cybersecurity, it is critical to work with an experienced business that can give thorough counsel and help.

If you require the services of an ICT Distribution Myanmar is the place to go. Contact our highly qualified consultants for the best and most unbiased advice on the solutions your company requires. We offer unrestricted access to the most efficient cybersecurity solutions. You may protect your company’s data by utilizing our cutting-edge digital security services.