ICT Distribution – Myanmar

Navigating GDPR Compliance with Entrust Data Protection Tools

Welcome to our latest blog post, where we delve into the critical topic of navigating GDPR compliance using Entrust Data Protection Tools. The need to protect personal data has never been more crucial as the world becomes increasingly digitalized. The European Union introduced the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) to ensure that organizations handling sensitive information adhere to strict guidelines and safeguard individuals’ privacy rights.

GDPR compliance involves various complex processes, including secure data storage, consent management, breach notification, etc. Understanding and implementing these requirements can be overwhelming and time-consuming for businesses operating in today’s data-driven landscape. However, achieving GDPR compliance can become a seamless and efficient process with the right tools at your disposal.

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)

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The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a comprehensive set of data protection rules and regulations implemented by the European Union (EU) in 2018. The GDPR was designed to give individuals greater control over their personal data and enhance data protection practices for organizations operating within the EU.

One of the GDPR’s main objectives is to give individuals more transparency and control over the collection, processing, and storage of their data by organizations. It establishes clear guidelines defining personal data, which encompasses any information that can directly or indirectly identify an individual, such as their name, address, email, or IP address.

Under the GDPR, organizations are required to obtain explicit consent from individuals before collecting and using their data. It means that individuals must be informed about why their data is being collected and how it will be used before they consent. Additionally, individuals can withdraw their consent anytime, and organizations must make it easy for them to do so.



Entrust and Its Relevance in Data Protection

Data protection has become a critical concern for organizations of all sizes in the ever-evolving digital landscape. With the increasing number of cyber threats and potential data breaches, businesses must ensure that their sensitive information remains secure and confidential. One company that plays a significant role in this area is Entrust.

Entrust is a global leader in identity-based security solutions. With over two decades of experience, the company provides various products and services that help organizations protect their data, communications, and transactions. Entrust offers comprehensive tools to safeguard sensitive information, from secure server certificates to solid authentication solutions.

One of the critical aspects of data protection offered by Entrust is encryption. Encryption is converting data into unreadable code to prevent unauthorized access. Using cryptographic algorithms, Entrust helps organizations encrypt their data at rest, in transit, and even in use. Employing industry-leading encryption techniques ensures that only authorized individuals can decipher and access the encrypted information.

Another important feature offered by Entrust is secure server certificates. So these certificates establish trust between a website and its visitors by ensuring its valid and legitimate identity. Entrust’s secure server certificates protect users from phishing attacks or other malicious activities by verifying the website’s authenticity.

Importance of Data Privacy and Protection in the GDPR Context

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In today’s digital age, where information is readily available and easily accessible, data privacy and protection have become paramount. So the implementation of the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) in 2018 has forced businesses and individuals to reevaluate their approaches to managing personal data.

The GDPR was designed to enhance data privacy rights and empower individuals with more control over their personal information. It applies not only to businesses operating within the European Union but also to any organization worldwide that collects or processes the personal data of EU residents. This extensive reach highlights the global significance of data privacy and protection in the GDPR context.

One of the critical reasons for the importance of data privacy and protection under GDPR is the increasing frequency of data breaches and cyber threats. In recent years, we have witnessed numerous high-profile data breaches that have exposed sensitive information of millions of people, such as credit card details, social security numbers, and even medical records. These incidents result in significant financial losses and can cause severe reputational damage to organizations. The GDPR aims to prevent such breaches by requiring businesses to implement appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security and confidentiality of personal data.

Entrust’s Role in GDPR Compliance

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Entrust is crucial in helping organizations achieve General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) compliance. GDPR is a comprehensive regulation that aims to strengthen data protection and privacy rights for European Union (EU) individuals. So it introduces stringent rules and requirements for organizations handling personal data, emphasizing transparency, accountability, and consent.

Entrust understands the significance of GDPR compliance and offers services that assist businesses in meeting these regulatory obligations. So one key aspect of Entrust’s role in GDPR compliance is its expertise in identity and access management (IAM). IAM solutions ensure that only authorized individuals can access personal data, reducing the risk of unauthorized access or data breaches.

Entrust’s IAM solutions employ advanced authentication methods such as multi-factor authentication (MFA), biometrics, and smart cards. Organizations can effectively protect personal data from unauthorized disclosure or alteration by implementing these robust security measures. These authentication methods also help businesses comply with GDPR’s requirement of ensuring appropriate security measures are in place to protect personal data.

How Entrust Aligns With GDPR Principles

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The European Union (EU) implemented the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), a comprehensive set of data protection laws, to safeguard the privacy and rights of individuals. It sets out strict rules and guidelines for businesses and organizations operating within the EU or processing the personal data of EU citizens. So as a provider of secure identity and encryption solutions, Entrust commits to aligning its practices with the principles outlined in the GDPR.

Lawfulness, fairness, and transparency

Entrust conducts all its data processing activities lawfully, fairly, and transparently, ensuring that individuals receive information about the collection, storage, processing, and usage of their data. So by providing clear and concise privacy policies and terms of service, Entrust establishes transparency with its customers regarding the purposes for processing their data.

Purpose limitation

Entrust strictly adheres to the principle of purpose limitation. Importantly, this approach ensures the collection of personal data for specific, explicit, and legitimate purposes, and prevents its processing in ways that are incompatible with those purposes. Furthermore, Entrust collects only the necessary information required to provide its services and does not use personal data for other purposes without obtaining explicit consent from the individuals concerned.

Data Minimization

Entrust follows the principle of data minimization by collecting and processing only the minimum amount of personal data necessary to achieve its intended purposes. It respects individuals’ privacy by avoiding the collection or storage of unnecessary data.


Moreover, Entrust actively ensures the accuracy of personal data and promptly updates it upon identifying any inaccuracies. Additionally, individuals have the right to request the rectification or erasure of their data if it is inaccurate or incomplete.

Storage limitation

Entrust retains personal data until it fulfills its purpose or until the law requires a longer retention period. Entrust has implemented appropriate measures to secure personal data during storage and prevent unauthorized access, loss, or destruction.

Final Thought

Consequently, navigating GDPR compliance has become crucial to any organization’s data protection strategy. In light of the ever-increasing threat landscape and the tightening regulations, it has become imperative for businesses to implement robust security measures to safeguard personal data.

Furthermore, Entrust Data Protection Tools offer a comprehensive solution that enables organizations to navigate the complexities of GDPR compliance efficiently. These tools provide advanced encryption and identity solutions to protect data at rest, in transit, and use. Consequently, by deploying these tools, businesses can ensure that they meet the requirements outlined by the GDPR and instill trust among their customers.

Moreover, Entrust Data Protection Tools provide organizations valuable insights into their data infrastructure through comprehensive reporting and auditing features. It allows companies to maintain transparency and accountability, which is essential to GDPR compliance. Additionally, the centralized management capabilities offered by these tools simplify the process of enforcing data protection policies across an organization’s entire ecosystem.

As the exclusive distribution partner for Entrust’s secure products in Myanmar, ICT Distribution is steadfastly committed to providing superior customer service and delivering products of the highest standard. This makes them the optimum choice for any requirements related to data security.

