ICT Distribution – Myanmar

Intensive Training with Certification

Intensive Training with Certification

The latest technology can overwhelm even the brightest employee, making learning and development a necessary toolset for implementing your company’s IT initiatives. Our experts are ready to deliver intensive training programs that will immerse your employees with an understanding of the advanced technology that we offer.

Invest in your people by providing them with an opportunity to learn advanced skills through Technology Training using the latest business models. See a quick return of investments from your employees with an improved workforce. Let them hone old skills while acquiring new ones, bridging the gap between all stakeholders through our training programs.

Here at ICT, we design our certified programs for every skill level. Our method includes providing specific objectives for our training courses and evaluating performance based on transparency and efficiency. We can also assist your learning and development teams in developing training plans for your company. Reach out to us at any time for your training concerns and questions.

Working with Distinction

Training Training Training



ICT Distribution aims to be the leading Enterprise value-added technology distributor, the best partner of choice for On-premise infrastructure solutions and cloud-related services as organizations gradually pivot to the cloud, regionally and internationally


Different living environments lead to a diversity of customs and traditions. ICT believes in providing a good working environment with no bias towards cultural differences. Equal opportunities are offered, whether in terms of further training or promotions. The office is performance-based and inclusive. At ICT, synergy is practiced. ICT is a safe environment wherein employees are encouraged to be the best version of their selves. Other than checking on the group’s needs, ICT also carefully evaluates and assesses the needs of employees individually. The institution is committed to testing the skills of each employee by letting them explore ways to do their tasks with independence and flexibility.


The best developers in software engineering were once novices. Developing employees to make them more versatile is necessary, especially in the era of technological evolution. Their skills are assessed and honed based on their maximum capacity. ICT provides employees a positive working environment with the best resources. Every employee could navigate in their departments freely to improve their craft with state-of-the-art facilities. Pieces of training for skill development are highly encouraged. ICT promotes employee retention and therefore gives importance to the welfare of an employee.

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