ICT Distribution – Singapore


Why Do you Need to Invest for Cyber Security?

The corporate world has changed due to technological breakthroughs in the last ten years, with the most sensitive customer information being stored, communicated, and accessible via the cloud. Because it is critical for businesses to maintain sensitive data, your firm must prioritize cybersecurity. Statistics show that cybercrime costs the world economy $400 billion annually. In 2013, attackers gained access to the systems of nearly 3,000 American businesses, according to estimates from the Center for Strategic and International Studies.

Every year, new advancements in emerging technology bring enormous opportunities for corporate growth. However, they give fraudsters a new means of getting access to and maliciously utilizing your sensitive data.

In today’s tech-driven corporate world, devices, systems, and software continually improve. It’s crucial to prevent large-scale hacks that could impair an organization’s performance. Here are the top four reasons why investing in cybersecurity might provide peace of mind for your company’s future:

Undisclosed security breaches can put a company at a disadvantage for months or years.

Here are the top four reasons why investing in cybersecurity might provide peace of mind for your company’s future:

1. Mobile Usage Will Increase Attacks

Corporate mobile technology is in its infancy but is being adopted at an astonishing rate, opening up a plethora of cybercrime potential. Mobile devices, in particular, are vulnerable because of the following:

  • Because they are new to the market, they are not sufficiently safeguarded.
  • Because of their small size, they are more likely to become stranded in terminals, airports, and large cities, raising the possibility of theft and, eventually, hacking.
  • The wi-Fi-enabled mobile virus is simple to install.

The final component is the human factor. Insiders now have 24-hour access to company information, seven days a week, which can frequently lead to significant privacy violations.

2. Increases Client/Customer/Investor Trust and Brand Awareness

A dependable cybersecurity system and employees are critical selling features and points of uniqueness when attracting new clients and retaining existing ones. Protect all corporate stakeholders’ privacy and sensitive data.

Your clients will now generate income for you through reviews, word-of-mouth, and increased purchases and investments in your products and services. You are giving your company a unique feature and generating conversation about your brand.

It is still feasible to enter the market first, build a strong brand for your company, and ensure the global economy’s stability.

3. Cybersecurity Is Expensive to Not Have

Cybersecurity is a critical component of the modern business environment, regardless of your company’s industry, size, or product or service offerings. Consumers are paying more for data breaches than they realize. A firm that does not have a functioning cybersecurity department will almost certainly need to purchase cyber insurance to provide a safety net in the case of a data breach.

According to a January Forbes report, Target has incurred $100 million in cyber insurance expenses and $45 million in cyber-theft losses by April this year. 2017’s overall damages are expected to exceed $1 billion due to an unexpected cyber-attack.

Investing in a cybersecurity team and the internal system could save your firm millions by preventing irreparable brand damage.

4. It Puts the Business at Risk of Regulatory Action

Several cities, including New York City, one of the world’s largest commercial centers, introduced cybersecurity legislation on March 1, 2017. As a result of a cyber security breach, your organization may face continuing regulatory scrutiny, audits, new tax compliances, incident response plans, access privilege limits, and other requirements. Furthermore, cybersecurity legislation has imposed time-sensitive penalties. Penalties vary depending on the event and sector.

Being sanctioned by regulations can harm your image with lenders, investors, and frightening insurance. Insurance and loan rates will rise as a result of the adverse effects.

Cybersecurity is currently more than just a novel notion. It is gaining corporate stability for all business owners who want to withstand the current economic climate. Creating an internal cybersecurity team gives your company a competitive advantage. It teaches employees the best practices for protecting company and consumer data.

Which Companies Suffer Losses From Cyberattacks?

Cyber intrusions are becoming more common and costing firms a fortune. One of the most common types of organizational loss is financial loss. Businesses may suffer significant financial losses in a variety of ways. Legal fees, missed output, and damage compensation may result in financial losses. Furthermore, firms risk losing their reputation. 

A company’s reputation may suffer if customers learn about them. As a result, customers may elect to do business with a competitor. It may also result in data breaches. It could expose sensitive information such as client data and trade secrets. These losses might be enormously expensive for organizations, underscoring the significance of cybersecurity.

How Much Do Cyberattacks Cost Annually?

According to recent studies, a cyberattack may not have the same financial impact on a small firm as a large corporation. However, it still has a negative influence on its bottom line.

According to a Kaspersky Lab analysis, the average direct cost of a security breach for small firms is $38,000. This sum reflects revenue lost due to downtime, missed business opportunities, and expert services that small firms must pay for to mitigate security breaches.

According to the survey, small firms should expect to spend $10,000 on expert services due to a cyberattack. Hiring IT security consultants, risk management consultants, attorneys, physical security consultants, auditors and accountants, management consultants, and public relations consultants are accessible services.

The survey predicts that cyberattacks cost firms $23,000 in lost productivity and $5,000 in lost commercial prospects, in addition to the expense of professional services.

Small firms incur various indirect and direct costs following a security incident. According to the research, small businesses spend an average of $8,000 on preventing a reoccurrence. It necessitates expanding the workforce, retraining existing staff, and updating the IT infrastructure.

Types of Dangers to Computer Security

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Although there are numerous others, the following are among the most serious cyber security threats:

DDoS Attack

A distributed denial of service (DDoS) assault happens when cyber criminals overwhelm a network or its servers with excessive traffic. It disables the entire system and stops the network from responding to valid requests. It might be a complete danger to businesses.


This malicious software can include computer viruses, spyware, Trojan horses, worms, and any other program or file that can harm the computer. Malware is commonly spread by downloads that seem legitimate or attachments in emails.

Man-in-the-Middle Attack

A cybercriminal intercepts data transmissions or communications between many parties in this form of hack. One example is a hack that uses an unprotected Wi-Fi network to intercept data transmitted by the victim’s PC to the network.


This type of cyber security threat involves sending fraudulent emails that appear to be from credible sources to obtain sensitive information such as passwords or credit card information.

Social Engineering

Utilizing human interactions, this attack deceives users into overcoming security mechanisms. Social engineering operations are frequently combined with other types of assaults, such as phishing, to improve the likelihood that a target will click a link or download a file.

SQL Injection

 SQL is an abbreviation for Structured Query Language. SQL injection attempts to gain access to, and maybe steal data from, a database. SQL injection is a method of installing malicious code by exploiting vulnerabilities in data-driven processes.

Challenges of Cyber Security

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It Is Constantly Changing

Perhaps the most severe threat to cyber security is the constant advancement of technology, which gives hackers an infinite supply of possible faults to exploit. The continual growth of cybercriminals’ cyberattack techniques makes this considerably more challenging.

As a result, cyber security software developers and industry experts are constantly designing new solutions to plug potential holes, only for hackers to keep coming up with new ways to launch assaults.  As a result, how much does cyber security cost is constantly evolving.

The dynamic nature of cyber security makes staying current complicated and costly for enterprises. It necessitates regular updates and a continuing focus on security.

Quantity of Data

The amount of data stored by most enterprises is a severe barrier to cyber security. As more data gets available, a company becomes a more appealing target. When sensitive information is involved, the business is at risk of lawsuits if the information was collected irresponsibly, putting individuals’ data at risk of being stolen.

The Requirement for Education and Training

It is impossible to rely exclusively on software or other cyber security solutions; user education is also essential. It adds another layer of complexity. A corporation’s employees must be kept informed of potentially hazardous operations. Such as unintentionally downloading malware onto their devices or clicking on links in questionable emails. Employees must take time away from their regular responsibilities for training, and the organization must budget for this training.


Everyone should give careful consideration to the topic of cyber security in order to protect themselves from the dangers of the internet. By making investments in the most cutting-edge cyber security techniques and technology, individuals and companies have the opportunity to stay one step ahead of hackers.

For you to further protect your business from cyber threats you’ll need to consult an IT expert like ICT Distribution in Singapore. Our many local branches and sales regions are coordinated by ICT Distribution PTE Ltd (Singapore), our regional headquarters. We are right in the middle of all the action on Clark Quay! We provide our clients with state-of-the-art cybersecurity tools.

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