ICT Distribution – Sri Lanka

10 Cybersecurity Assessment Questions to Ask

The organization you hire is essential when you require a cyber security audit. It is critical because you do not want a vendor to use specific technologies to make a report. You must select a company with experience evaluating outcomes to build a strategy to solve the identified gaps.

How can you tell if the cyber security businesses you’re considering will provide such a thorough assessment? Using the ten questions below to examine your options will reveal the best option.

What Is a Cybersecurity Assessment?

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A cybersecurity evaluation assesses your organization’s security procedures and ability to address potential problems. Instead of using a checklist, as you would for a cybersecurity audit, carry out these risk assessments in the context of your organization’s economic goals. Following a high-level review of those vulnerabilities, security teams can begin installing security controls to lessen your network’s vulnerabilities.

Why Conduct a Cybersecurity Evaluation?

A thorough cybersecurity assessment is essential to identify whether or not your firm is adequately safeguarded against various threats. The goals of an evaluation include identifying vulnerabilities and closing security weaknesses. It keeps stakeholders and board members updated on the company’s cybersecurity posture so they may make informed decisions on implementing security measures into commercial activity.

Which Cyber Risk Assessment Frameworks Exist?

You can choose from various cybersecurity frameworks depending on your sector or location. The NIST Cybersecurity Framework and the ISO 27000 standards are two of the most comprehensive frameworks:

NIST Cybersecurity Framework

The NIST Cybersecurity Framework, used mainly by American businesses, was created in conjunction with government and private organizations. The NIST framework is intended to address, among other things, the identification, detection, protection, reaction, and recovery of cyber threats. Although developed for critical infrastructure companies, many enterprise-level businesses employ them.

How to Evaluate Cyber Security Assessment Companies

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1. Will the Supplier Address Your Particular Goals?

You believe you require a cyber security assessment for at least one reason. You must ensure that the organization you select will assist you in achieving your primary aim (s).

Is it your goal to obtain cyber insurance? You must demonstrate your responsibility for your client’s data security, or you may be obliged to meet regulatory compliance standards. Maybe all you want is security and peace of mind. The service should respect your specific goals and assure you that you will attain them.

2. What’s the Company’s Industry Experience?

Suppose the cyber security assessment service you choose regularly deals with businesses like yours. In that case, you can be confident they will meet your goals.

They will grasp how information enters and departs your operations if they are familiar with your industry. They are more likely to be familiar with the frameworks used in your organization (such as NIST or ISO) and to know where to check for common flaws or concerns.

3. Has the Company Dealt With Compliance?

If applicable, combine compliance experience with industry knowledge. Whether it’s HIPAA, ITAR, SOX, or CMMC, make sure they know how their assessments and recommendations can help you comply.

Even if compliance is not required, knowing that the assessment provider has experience transforming regulatory compliance into security measures demonstrates cyber security maturity and skill.

4. Do They Have Third-Party Certifications?

Inquire whether the evaluation firm has employees who have proper cyber security certifications. Regulatory compliance is linked to some cyber security certifications. The Registered Provider Organization (RPO) accreditation, for example, indicates that the organization has experience with Cybersecurity Maturity Model Certification (CMMC). A Registered Practitioner (RP) is a CMMC qualification for individuals.

Employees with Microsoft, Cisco, VMware, and WatchGuard technology-specific certifications are additional markers of cyber security competency.

5. What Does the Assessment Entail?

Your individual goals will determine the actions required for a cyber security assessment. For example, CMMC gap analysis or compliance assessment should include an audit of your security policies.

Even if you do not need to address security processes, expect to be questioned about how data is accessed by IT and non-IT employees. The assessment provider may use vulnerability analysis, penetration scans, phishing simulations, data backup testing, and physical security inspections.

6. Will Cyber Security Assessment Disrupt Activities?

Don’t disrupt operations if a cyber assessment identifies an ongoing cyber attack, as shown below. You will need someone who can make time in their busy schedule to serve as the primary point of contact.

This person could be your IT manager (if you have one on staff). If this is the case, they must also be ready to answer questions, provide additional interview staff, and allow the assessment team access to your IT systems.

7. How Will the Cybersecurity Report Look?

The report you obtain in conjunction with cybersecurity assessment services should reflect your specific goals and the questions you seek to answer. Nothing should be written in an incomprehensible language.

It would help if you also considered how specific the report’s recommendations for prioritization are. If the report merely gives you a go/no-go status and security layers, ensure your staff is prepared.

8. How Much Does an Evaluation of Cyber Security Cost?

As expected, the cost of your cyber assessment will be influenced by your objectives. Your objectives determine the inputs and outcomes of your cyber security assessment. So the assessment’s usefulness will grow as it progresses and becomes more involved in advising on the next steps.

Check that you are comparing comparable vendors; otherwise, what appears to be a fantastic value may not get you where you need to go. Expect the cost of a cyber security audit to start at about $3,500 and grow from there.

9. Will the Provider Stop a Cyberattack?

After their instruments are deployed and they begin gathering data, the cyber security assessment business will likely uncover that a cyber attack is taking place. (Yes, we witnessed it firsthand.)

The evaluation provider will undoubtedly notify you and may be able to stop it if you so desire. So do you want to respond to your present team if it is not informed of the attack? Probably not. If this happens, don’t expect the assessment charge to cover these expenses; instead, be grateful that the invader was arrested.

10. Is the Company Also Offering Outsourced Cyber Security Services?

Suppose your cyber security assessment results reveal that you have serious security weaknesses. In that case, you must immediately enhance your cyber defenses.

If the firm doing the review can also provide outsourced cyber security services based on the assessment’s results, they have effectively completed a component of their onboarding. The last thing you need right now is a new vetting method; consequently, consider outsourcing cyber security services when choosing an assessment provider.

How Is a Cybersecurity Evaluation Carried Out?

A practical cybersecurity assessment may differ from one organization to the next depending on their industry or the legislation that applies to them, but the essential components are always the same. When conducting a cybersecurity assessment, keep the following guidelines in mind:

Analyze the Assessment’s Reach

Assess and compile a list of all the assets to determine the entire scope of the cybersecurity examination. Rather than doing everything at once, it may be better to start by focusing on only one sort of asset at a time. Determine whether the given asset type contacts additional assets, devices, or data. So It will provide you with a thorough snapshot of your network.

Identify the Value of Each Asset

After deciding which assets will be included in the evaluation, you must determine their respective values. It is critical to remember that an asset’s actual value may exceed its purchase price. Your team must analyze qualitative and intangible hazards connected with each item while performing an asset appraisal.

Find Cybersecurity Threats

Next, define cybersecurity risks to calculate the chance of various loss scenarios and guide future actions. So consider the asset’s potential applications, the likelihood of its use, and the impact the asset’s utilization could have on your company as a whole. It is an essential step in ensuring that your company meets the cybersecurity compliance standards required by your industry.

Compare Asset Value Against Preventative Cost

After determining the value of an item, calculate the cost of protecting it. Suppose the cost of averting such disasters exceeds the asset’s worth. In that case, seeking a more cost-effective control or preventative strategy may be preferable, as decided by considering various loss scenarios.

Maintain Security Controls

Following the identification and assessment of the network’s essential assets and vulnerabilities, the next stage is to put in place security mechanisms that can continuously monitor your organization’s cybersecurity. It will ensure that the existing controls continue to secure sensitive information while meeting organizational needs.


When considering having your company’s cybersecurity analyzed, it is critical to ask the proper questions. The ten questions in this post are a great place to start. By answering these questions, you may learn more about what to anticipate from a cybersecurity assessment and how it can benefit your business.

The best IT services for your business may be found through ICT Distribution in Sri Lanka, where you can get a dedicated cybersecurity expert. You need to use knowledge, training, and tools to keep intruders out of your business. In order to keep your private data safe, we will help you locate, monitor, and detect potential dangers.